Loup-Garou's Runemark von Wunderhaus "Rune"
Rune is just an absolute sweetheart!
She is so confident and has such a level head. She’s not aggressive but is appropriately assertive. She doesn’t spook at new people or animals but will stand her ground until she’s figured out the situation.
All she wants is to be right there with us. It doesn’t matter what or where we are she’s happiest just being there. She was very mouthy as a pup (perhaps the mouthiest I’ve ever experienced personally ) and wasn’t ’a cuddle pup’ but man she just loves to be involved. But that’s not to say she isn’t affectionate. She absolutely is! I’m 110% her person and our family is hers without a doubt. As a pup she was so excited to be with the kids. We involved them with her puppy classes and training so she knew her boundaries and they knew how to safely and properly behave around dogs. She excels at training, she’s so dang smart! Too smart sometimes! She picks things up in just a few tries after being shown.
The kids are never out of her sight either. If we are in the yard then she has eyes on them at all times. If they move to a different area she trots over with them. She’s definitely gotten much gentler with them (not that she wasn’t before but she still isn’t quite aware of her body in relation to space around her.) I affectionately call her trainwreck because of this. She truly doesn’t mean to knock things over I can tell but it’s nothing for her to turn around and whip everything off the coffee table with her tail or hip check something and knock it completely over. Her other nicknames are Runey Tunes and Rutabaga.
This spring I plan on taking her to a dock diving club in the area that has a pool to see if it’s something she would enjoy. She loves the water and playing fetch so I definitely want to explore that avenue with her.
The vet clinic I work at has a full boarding facility so she either gets to go to daycare there or hangs out with me on the hospital side. ( we have an area away from sick patients she gets to hang out.) On breaks she’ll play with my coworkers dogs if she’s not at daycare. She loooves the staff and when we went to a wedding out of state she was very comfortable staying there and had no issues while we were gone.
At times it is hard not to compare her to Tsavo but in hindsight I think any dog would have been compared in one way or another. She’s not his replacement and I never expected her to be. She has so many wonderful traits that he didn’t have but I’m most impressed with her disposition. He was very dog aggressive and it’s something we wanted to avoid from the beginning with Rune. I don’t expect her to want to play or be around other dogs but I also didn’t want her hyper focused on them. And she’s not. Although her greatest foe is stuffed toys! Haha!
There isn’t a stuffed toy that is safe from her! That extends to beds too. I’ve even tried the k9 ballistic beds and she put a hole in it within 24 hours. I just make sure she has appropriate chew toys she can’t ingest and she gets stuffed toys with supervision.
She’s also just a beautiful girl. She’s gorgeous! She’s a solid 75 lbs and her coloring is beautiful. She’s a goofball, she’s silly and we just absolutely love her so much!
I can’t thank you enough for entrusting us with one of your pups! I brag about her all the time and all the work you do as a breeder. The Hines Family ~ North Carolina
Rune is just an absolute sweetheart!
She is so confident and has such a level head. She’s not aggressive but is appropriately assertive. She doesn’t spook at new people or animals but will stand her ground until she’s figured out the situation.
All she wants is to be right there with us. It doesn’t matter what or where we are she’s happiest just being there. She was very mouthy as a pup (perhaps the mouthiest I’ve ever experienced personally ) and wasn’t ’a cuddle pup’ but man she just loves to be involved. But that’s not to say she isn’t affectionate. She absolutely is! I’m 110% her person and our family is hers without a doubt. As a pup she was so excited to be with the kids. We involved them with her puppy classes and training so she knew her boundaries and they knew how to safely and properly behave around dogs. She excels at training, she’s so dang smart! Too smart sometimes! She picks things up in just a few tries after being shown.
The kids are never out of her sight either. If we are in the yard then she has eyes on them at all times. If they move to a different area she trots over with them. She’s definitely gotten much gentler with them (not that she wasn’t before but she still isn’t quite aware of her body in relation to space around her.) I affectionately call her trainwreck because of this. She truly doesn’t mean to knock things over I can tell but it’s nothing for her to turn around and whip everything off the coffee table with her tail or hip check something and knock it completely over. Her other nicknames are Runey Tunes and Rutabaga.
This spring I plan on taking her to a dock diving club in the area that has a pool to see if it’s something she would enjoy. She loves the water and playing fetch so I definitely want to explore that avenue with her.
The vet clinic I work at has a full boarding facility so she either gets to go to daycare there or hangs out with me on the hospital side. ( we have an area away from sick patients she gets to hang out.) On breaks she’ll play with my coworkers dogs if she’s not at daycare. She loooves the staff and when we went to a wedding out of state she was very comfortable staying there and had no issues while we were gone.
At times it is hard not to compare her to Tsavo but in hindsight I think any dog would have been compared in one way or another. She’s not his replacement and I never expected her to be. She has so many wonderful traits that he didn’t have but I’m most impressed with her disposition. He was very dog aggressive and it’s something we wanted to avoid from the beginning with Rune. I don’t expect her to want to play or be around other dogs but I also didn’t want her hyper focused on them. And she’s not. Although her greatest foe is stuffed toys! Haha!
There isn’t a stuffed toy that is safe from her! That extends to beds too. I’ve even tried the k9 ballistic beds and she put a hole in it within 24 hours. I just make sure she has appropriate chew toys she can’t ingest and she gets stuffed toys with supervision.
She’s also just a beautiful girl. She’s gorgeous! She’s a solid 75 lbs and her coloring is beautiful. She’s a goofball, she’s silly and we just absolutely love her so much!
I can’t thank you enough for entrusting us with one of your pups! I brag about her all the time and all the work you do as a breeder. The Hines Family ~ North Carolina

Krieg vom Wunderhaus "Blitz"
A fitting name for such a wonderful pup. He is no doubt very smart and very passionate in all he does. Therefore he approaches everything at lightning (hence, Blitz in Deutsch) speed. Though he is 100% per the GSD specifications when it comes to being a Raptor on 4 legs, he is also super sweet. If you have seen Jurassic Park, you have met Blitz. So smart he is a super quick learner. So smart he is cunning and you can see it in his eyes. He is also the first "dads dog" I've had in 5 dogs. I credit Melody for our early imprinting when he was first old enough to meet people. When I walk somewhere, he follows. When I'm walking and put out my left hand and reach back a little bit, his snout is right there. Like every time. When I head to the garage to drop something into the recycle, he knows where we are going and promptly follows. Best yet, as he continues to mature into a well adjusted "pup", he knows when to settle down. Since he is smart, he knows when we are unloading groceries, to get out of the way and put himself up in his crate. Then when we are done, out he comes and rejoins his pack. Great boy. I venture to say he is going to prove out to be the best all around Hund I've ever had. My wife will probably still disagree as Eicke (also from Wunderhaus) was her boy and is the current title holder. Though she is starting to come around..........May Blitz be My Boy forever!!! The Burrus Family ~ Texas (repeat client)

Koschei’s Rougaroux Vom Wunderhaus "Roux"
Roux is incredible! He is always the life of the party and a goofball. He loves working obedience, scent, swimming, and showing off everything he knows. Since the day he arrived, he has fit in beautifully with my parents’ two Cane Corso, his regular playmates. We have recently started working on his herding skills and tracking. I am very eager to see how he progresses in both.
What I cannot overstate enough is his “off switch”. He can go non-stop, but the second we say it’s time to calm down he flips the switch and becomes the perfect couch companion. Your program and his parents did a remarkable job with his temperament, and working drive. Roux's ability to go from lovable goofball to working professional is everything I was looking for in a shepherd, and I cannot thank you enough for making it happen. Thank you, The Garcia Family ~ Texas

Jeweled Amethyst von Wunderhaus "Keeley"
In February of 2021, my female GSD, Sky, died suddenly from hemangiosarcoma. I could list her titles and accomplishments, but it’s enough to say that she was the best dog a person could ever have. Sky could never be replaced, but both my husband and I agreed that eventually we would get another GSD. We love the breed, and there was room in our hearts to love another.
A few months later my agility instructor told me about a new student who had a gorgeous female GSD with a wonderful temperament (Izzy). She was bred by Melody Wunder. To make a long story short, I looked up Melody online and filled out a puppy application. Melody emailed me, and we set up a time to visit by phone. I was scared to death that she wouldn’t like me, and I wouldn’t get a puppy. Well, we talked for over an hour, and before we hung up she said that there were three people in front of me who wanted a female puppy from her next litter, but she would put me on the waiting list! I was thrilled that I had passed muster, and that she thought I was a good enough dog owner to get one of her puppies!
Melody’s “J” litter was born in July of 2021, and there were only two females in the litter (both were black with plush coats). I figured that I wouldn’t get a puppy from that litter, but a few days after they were born, Melody emailed me that one of those puppies was available. My husband and I were thrilled! We named her Keeley after a spunky, but sweet, character on “Ted Lasso.” She is absolutely gorgeous and has the sweetest temperament of any dog we have ever had! Keeley loves every person and every dog that she has ever met. Wunderhaus puppies/dogs are the best! Birdwell Family ~ Texas
In February of 2021, my female GSD, Sky, died suddenly from hemangiosarcoma. I could list her titles and accomplishments, but it’s enough to say that she was the best dog a person could ever have. Sky could never be replaced, but both my husband and I agreed that eventually we would get another GSD. We love the breed, and there was room in our hearts to love another.
A few months later my agility instructor told me about a new student who had a gorgeous female GSD with a wonderful temperament (Izzy). She was bred by Melody Wunder. To make a long story short, I looked up Melody online and filled out a puppy application. Melody emailed me, and we set up a time to visit by phone. I was scared to death that she wouldn’t like me, and I wouldn’t get a puppy. Well, we talked for over an hour, and before we hung up she said that there were three people in front of me who wanted a female puppy from her next litter, but she would put me on the waiting list! I was thrilled that I had passed muster, and that she thought I was a good enough dog owner to get one of her puppies!
Melody’s “J” litter was born in July of 2021, and there were only two females in the litter (both were black with plush coats). I figured that I wouldn’t get a puppy from that litter, but a few days after they were born, Melody emailed me that one of those puppies was available. My husband and I were thrilled! We named her Keeley after a spunky, but sweet, character on “Ted Lasso.” She is absolutely gorgeous and has the sweetest temperament of any dog we have ever had! Keeley loves every person and every dog that she has ever met. Wunderhaus puppies/dogs are the best! Birdwell Family ~ Texas

Isla Valkyrie von Wunderhaus aka Ayla
We spent a lot of time researching breeders and ended up deciding on Wunderhaus. In particular, we wanted a pup out of a specific litter (I Litter). The first breeding attempt didn’t take and we opted to wait. All of that to say we ended up waiting for almost two years for out Ayla and it was worth it. She is the most wonderfully balanced, confident, smart and personable GSD we have ever owned.
Melody did a fantastic job not only with the breeding pair, but with the conditioning and exposure these pups got before they went to their homes. The result is we were set up for success and it has shown over the last 6 months. We cannot recommend her highly enough. Wunderhaus dogs are not only beautiful, but are even tempered, intelligent and fiercely loyal. We will never get a GSD anywhere else again. We are lifelong Wunderhaus clients.
On a personal note, after my last GSD passed away, I wasn’t sure I could find another dog that would live up to what Koda was for me. She went everywhere with me. I was heartbroken when she died and it took me 4 years to decide to get another dog. Needless to say I did a lot of research before deciding to go with Wunderhaus. Ayla has surpassed anything I could have imagined. She has been my buddy since the first time I met her and has filled a void I didn’t think another dog could fill. She’s been a joy to train and we have formed a bond that is truly amazing. I’m convinced God gave us dogs as an expression of his grace and love, GSD being chief among them. Yet there are particular dogs that He makes exceptional. These are once in a lifetime dogs and He gives them as a special gift to some people. These dogs are Wunderhaus dogs. Hawkins Family ~ Nebraska
We spent a lot of time researching breeders and ended up deciding on Wunderhaus. In particular, we wanted a pup out of a specific litter (I Litter). The first breeding attempt didn’t take and we opted to wait. All of that to say we ended up waiting for almost two years for out Ayla and it was worth it. She is the most wonderfully balanced, confident, smart and personable GSD we have ever owned.
Melody did a fantastic job not only with the breeding pair, but with the conditioning and exposure these pups got before they went to their homes. The result is we were set up for success and it has shown over the last 6 months. We cannot recommend her highly enough. Wunderhaus dogs are not only beautiful, but are even tempered, intelligent and fiercely loyal. We will never get a GSD anywhere else again. We are lifelong Wunderhaus clients.
On a personal note, after my last GSD passed away, I wasn’t sure I could find another dog that would live up to what Koda was for me. She went everywhere with me. I was heartbroken when she died and it took me 4 years to decide to get another dog. Needless to say I did a lot of research before deciding to go with Wunderhaus. Ayla has surpassed anything I could have imagined. She has been my buddy since the first time I met her and has filled a void I didn’t think another dog could fill. She’s been a joy to train and we have formed a bond that is truly amazing. I’m convinced God gave us dogs as an expression of his grace and love, GSD being chief among them. Yet there are particular dogs that He makes exceptional. These are once in a lifetime dogs and He gives them as a special gift to some people. These dogs are Wunderhaus dogs. Hawkins Family ~ Nebraska

Hiro vom Wunderhaus aka "Tovah"
Our family searched high and low for a German Shepherd breeder who prioritized early socialization, and building a relationship with their dog owners. We were thrilled when we found Melody. She has been so responsive, and always makes time to answer our questions, and has stayed in touch. Not only are her Shepherds gorgeous (we are stopped all the time and told how beautiful our dog is), but our dog Tovah came to us at eight weeks with a tremendous amount of investment already placed in him. As a young puppy from day one, Tovah had been well socialized around people, including children, and was familiar with all kinds of noises and experiences. His temperament is outstanding! He is an excellent family dog, wonderful with people he doesn't know, and always a joy to be around. He is affectionate, has all the very best traits of the breed, but can also be calm in our home. He enjoys training and working, but just as Melody promised us he would, he also has an off switch. Melody worked carefully with us to help us choose the puppy from his litter who would be the best fit for what we were seeking, and we could not be more pleased with the match. Tovah is everything we hoped he would be and more. We would definitely work with Melody for our next German Shepherd, and would highly recommend her to others. Farrand-Bernardin Family
Our family searched high and low for a German Shepherd breeder who prioritized early socialization, and building a relationship with their dog owners. We were thrilled when we found Melody. She has been so responsive, and always makes time to answer our questions, and has stayed in touch. Not only are her Shepherds gorgeous (we are stopped all the time and told how beautiful our dog is), but our dog Tovah came to us at eight weeks with a tremendous amount of investment already placed in him. As a young puppy from day one, Tovah had been well socialized around people, including children, and was familiar with all kinds of noises and experiences. His temperament is outstanding! He is an excellent family dog, wonderful with people he doesn't know, and always a joy to be around. He is affectionate, has all the very best traits of the breed, but can also be calm in our home. He enjoys training and working, but just as Melody promised us he would, he also has an off switch. Melody worked carefully with us to help us choose the puppy from his litter who would be the best fit for what we were seeking, and we could not be more pleased with the match. Tovah is everything we hoped he would be and more. We would definitely work with Melody for our next German Shepherd, and would highly recommend her to others. Farrand-Bernardin Family

Helga Ulrika von Wunderhaus aka "Rika"
We have had dogs in our families all of our lives. Our past three were German Shorthaired Pointers. They all lived long, happy lives! One was almost 15, when we lost her. It is always sad when they grow old and pass. We have one remaining and she was 11 when we started looking at the Wunderhaus puppies. We wanted to add another dog while she was still here to help train a new one and in hopes of adding more years to her life by giving her a puppy to keep her young. She will be 13 in 2 days! Both girls love eachother!
My husband has wanted a German Shepherd Dog for sometime. I, on the other hand, had somewhat of a fear of them after seeing some overly aggressive ones growing up. I had recently met a number of well behaved GSDs but still had a fear.
My husband did a lot of research and started telling me about Wunderhaus and showing me pictures of their beautiful dogs. I was still hesitant. Then he showed me a picture of a new born “pink collar female”. He told me she would be ours. We were on the list already and started watching her and her siblings grow as Melody posted so many adorable pictures. We knew we weren’t guaranteed the one we had our eye on because each family is carefully selected for the right pup. We would have been happy with any of them. When the time came, we were paired with our first pick! We went to pick her up and fell in love instantly! We also loved meeting her first human family and some of her canine family! The Wunders are such a nice family and do an awesome job loving and training their puppies.
Our sweet girl, Ulrika, is the perfect addition to our family! She is smart, loving, playful, curious, silly, gets along with her canine sister and all other dogs she meets. She loves all of us as much as we love her. She is not aggressive towards strangers though I know she would protect us if she needed to. She literally watches over her flock, sometimes watching all of us from the top of the stairs. We live in the country and she loves exploring the property with us. She runs around and gets so many good dog sniffs. Watching her run around and see new things is like it was watching our human children when they were young learning about the world around them! She warms our hearts!
Not only have I lost my fear of all GSDs, I want another one! My husband agrees and we both will look to get our next one from Wunderhaus. We can’t imagine there is any other breeder out there that devotes the time and love to their puppies that the Wunders do. They also do a great job pairing the right puppy with the right family!
We love Rika, as we lovingly call her, and are so thankful she is a part of our family!
The Phillips Family ~ IIInois
We have had dogs in our families all of our lives. Our past three were German Shorthaired Pointers. They all lived long, happy lives! One was almost 15, when we lost her. It is always sad when they grow old and pass. We have one remaining and she was 11 when we started looking at the Wunderhaus puppies. We wanted to add another dog while she was still here to help train a new one and in hopes of adding more years to her life by giving her a puppy to keep her young. She will be 13 in 2 days! Both girls love eachother!
My husband has wanted a German Shepherd Dog for sometime. I, on the other hand, had somewhat of a fear of them after seeing some overly aggressive ones growing up. I had recently met a number of well behaved GSDs but still had a fear.
My husband did a lot of research and started telling me about Wunderhaus and showing me pictures of their beautiful dogs. I was still hesitant. Then he showed me a picture of a new born “pink collar female”. He told me she would be ours. We were on the list already and started watching her and her siblings grow as Melody posted so many adorable pictures. We knew we weren’t guaranteed the one we had our eye on because each family is carefully selected for the right pup. We would have been happy with any of them. When the time came, we were paired with our first pick! We went to pick her up and fell in love instantly! We also loved meeting her first human family and some of her canine family! The Wunders are such a nice family and do an awesome job loving and training their puppies.
Our sweet girl, Ulrika, is the perfect addition to our family! She is smart, loving, playful, curious, silly, gets along with her canine sister and all other dogs she meets. She loves all of us as much as we love her. She is not aggressive towards strangers though I know she would protect us if she needed to. She literally watches over her flock, sometimes watching all of us from the top of the stairs. We live in the country and she loves exploring the property with us. She runs around and gets so many good dog sniffs. Watching her run around and see new things is like it was watching our human children when they were young learning about the world around them! She warms our hearts!
Not only have I lost my fear of all GSDs, I want another one! My husband agrees and we both will look to get our next one from Wunderhaus. We can’t imagine there is any other breeder out there that devotes the time and love to their puppies that the Wunders do. They also do a great job pairing the right puppy with the right family!
We love Rika, as we lovingly call her, and are so thankful she is a part of our family!
The Phillips Family ~ IIInois

Ferdinand Leonard vom Wunderhaus aka "Leo"
“Like potato chips, you can’t only have one GSD “.
I grew up with dogs and I’d always wanted to have my own GSD.
I got my first GSD four years ago and its quite a learning and growth experience. When I started to look for the second GSD, I really looked into a few factors: 1. If the breeder has a record of previous litters (proof of their care and track health of their puppies ) 2. If the breeder has a great knowledge of the breed and puppy raising (proper socialization and stimulation in the early stage) 3. If both parents have been health tested. 4. If both parents engaged in any sports/training. 5. If breeder put any effort into learning their potential future puppy owners. 6. If both parents have good off/on switch and if they are good family dogs. Wunderhaus GSD exceeds all my expectations. I am impressed by how much Melody cares about the puppy and their future family. Also, the early socialization and simulation of Wunderhaus GSD set solid foundation for future development and training.
Leo is 16 months now. He is sweet, confident, protective and most fun pup. He listens very well and continues improving even in his teenage stage. He is a handsome, almost 90lbs young man that would rather spend time with his people than other things. While I am writing this testimony, Leo is sleeping under the chair with his sister by his side. It’s a blessing to have a Wunderhaus puppy. Gao Family ~ Oklahoma
“Like potato chips, you can’t only have one GSD “.
I grew up with dogs and I’d always wanted to have my own GSD.
I got my first GSD four years ago and its quite a learning and growth experience. When I started to look for the second GSD, I really looked into a few factors: 1. If the breeder has a record of previous litters (proof of their care and track health of their puppies ) 2. If the breeder has a great knowledge of the breed and puppy raising (proper socialization and stimulation in the early stage) 3. If both parents have been health tested. 4. If both parents engaged in any sports/training. 5. If breeder put any effort into learning their potential future puppy owners. 6. If both parents have good off/on switch and if they are good family dogs. Wunderhaus GSD exceeds all my expectations. I am impressed by how much Melody cares about the puppy and their future family. Also, the early socialization and simulation of Wunderhaus GSD set solid foundation for future development and training.
Leo is 16 months now. He is sweet, confident, protective and most fun pup. He listens very well and continues improving even in his teenage stage. He is a handsome, almost 90lbs young man that would rather spend time with his people than other things. While I am writing this testimony, Leo is sleeping under the chair with his sister by his side. It’s a blessing to have a Wunderhaus puppy. Gao Family ~ Oklahoma

Epicke Ranger vom Wunderhaus aka "Ranger"
It had been roughly 20 years since we had a dog. We both traveled a lot for work and it just did not make sense to have a dog. However, a couple of years ago, we were blessed to be able to begin working from home, a lot. As such, we started talking about getting a dog. We visited my sister in Ohio, who had recently gotten a white German Shepherd female. She was a very good dog and when we returned home from the trip, I started looking more seriously into getting a pup. I looked online and after a quite a bit of searching and researching, I found Wunderhaus. The dogs they had on their website were stunning … beautiful dogs with sable coloring that was different than what I had known about German Shepherd dogs. We contacted Melody, talked about what we were looking for in a dog, and got on the F Litter list because the E litter ‘pups-to-be’ were already spoken for. Well, one little guy turned up as available and we got a call. Lucky for us, we literally live about 15 minutes from Wunderhaus and we stopped by to see ‘Rooster’ … a long-haired, dark sable male … and it was simply love at first sight! He looked like a little bear cub and he was just sporting around, prancing and playing it up for us. Also, on that visit, we learned even more about Wunderhaus and what they offer as a committed family breeder by experiencing their dogs and hearing about their relationships with the new owners.
We have had an absolutely fabulous first year with Ranger! What an awesome dog and family member. He is my shadow and loves going everywhere with me (he loves his momma, but he is a daddy’s dog). He is our alarm clock, our security system, our comedian, and our athlete. He has the sweetest temperament and the best personality. He is superbly well-mannered and incredibly handsome, and I am kind of jealous with all the compliments he receives everywhere we go. His favorite toy is his frisbee and he loves to play catch with it. I simply cannot imagine life without him now and we are blessed to have him. He would tell you … if he could talk … that he loves it here, too. And being so close to Wunderhaus, we are in regular contact and see Melody occasionally. They have made us part of their family and are there for us with advice and support. They love their pups, and we are lucky enough to have one. Thanks so much! Hibbitts Family ~ Texas
It had been roughly 20 years since we had a dog. We both traveled a lot for work and it just did not make sense to have a dog. However, a couple of years ago, we were blessed to be able to begin working from home, a lot. As such, we started talking about getting a dog. We visited my sister in Ohio, who had recently gotten a white German Shepherd female. She was a very good dog and when we returned home from the trip, I started looking more seriously into getting a pup. I looked online and after a quite a bit of searching and researching, I found Wunderhaus. The dogs they had on their website were stunning … beautiful dogs with sable coloring that was different than what I had known about German Shepherd dogs. We contacted Melody, talked about what we were looking for in a dog, and got on the F Litter list because the E litter ‘pups-to-be’ were already spoken for. Well, one little guy turned up as available and we got a call. Lucky for us, we literally live about 15 minutes from Wunderhaus and we stopped by to see ‘Rooster’ … a long-haired, dark sable male … and it was simply love at first sight! He looked like a little bear cub and he was just sporting around, prancing and playing it up for us. Also, on that visit, we learned even more about Wunderhaus and what they offer as a committed family breeder by experiencing their dogs and hearing about their relationships with the new owners.
We have had an absolutely fabulous first year with Ranger! What an awesome dog and family member. He is my shadow and loves going everywhere with me (he loves his momma, but he is a daddy’s dog). He is our alarm clock, our security system, our comedian, and our athlete. He has the sweetest temperament and the best personality. He is superbly well-mannered and incredibly handsome, and I am kind of jealous with all the compliments he receives everywhere we go. His favorite toy is his frisbee and he loves to play catch with it. I simply cannot imagine life without him now and we are blessed to have him. He would tell you … if he could talk … that he loves it here, too. And being so close to Wunderhaus, we are in regular contact and see Melody occasionally. They have made us part of their family and are there for us with advice and support. They love their pups, and we are lucky enough to have one. Thanks so much! Hibbitts Family ~ Texas

Emile vom Wunderhaus aka "Tupelo"
A few years ago we decided our family was ready for another dog, and that we wanted a German Shepherd. Upon further research, we learned that some of the qualities in temperament that we were looking for and that characterize the breed can not be ensured without acquiring the pup from a quality breeding program. This would be our first purebred dog and we were eager to get the best pup we could find. We settled on Wunderhaus because of the amazingly beautiful litters of dogs and the wonderful community of happy dog-owners they had produced. We were fortunate to get on the list for an E-Litter dog and we were impressed from the very start by Melody's careful and thorough processes of screening applicants, and learning about her clients to properly pair her pups with their families. We learned a lot during this process, and we can attest to its efficacy. As I attended obedience training classes with our pup, the veteran dog trainers at the facility told us time and again what a special dog we have and that he excels even for a German Shepherd. Our Tupelo is nearly 2 years old now and he is an essential part of our family. He is intelligent, confident, obedient, and gentle with the children and our elderly dog, yet alert and protective of our family and space. He is exactly the dog we were looking for. Thanks Wunderhaus!
Gray Family - Louisiana
A few years ago we decided our family was ready for another dog, and that we wanted a German Shepherd. Upon further research, we learned that some of the qualities in temperament that we were looking for and that characterize the breed can not be ensured without acquiring the pup from a quality breeding program. This would be our first purebred dog and we were eager to get the best pup we could find. We settled on Wunderhaus because of the amazingly beautiful litters of dogs and the wonderful community of happy dog-owners they had produced. We were fortunate to get on the list for an E-Litter dog and we were impressed from the very start by Melody's careful and thorough processes of screening applicants, and learning about her clients to properly pair her pups with their families. We learned a lot during this process, and we can attest to its efficacy. As I attended obedience training classes with our pup, the veteran dog trainers at the facility told us time and again what a special dog we have and that he excels even for a German Shepherd. Our Tupelo is nearly 2 years old now and he is an essential part of our family. He is intelligent, confident, obedient, and gentle with the children and our elderly dog, yet alert and protective of our family and space. He is exactly the dog we were looking for. Thanks Wunderhaus!
Gray Family - Louisiana

Eddie vom Wunderhaus aka "Luca"
We wanted a German Shepherd to make our family complete. This was my first time with a purebred and I wanted to make sure we went with the right breeder. I searched for months and came across Wunderhaus. I am not sure I knew about sable German Shepherds, but I loved the look of the dogs. After I did some homework and research, I was shocked by the commitment of Wunderhaus to their dogs and new families. We were sold when we saw that Annie and Wolf were having an upcoming litter. We applied, made the cut for a puppy, and eagerly waited for his arrival. The exciting part of this litter was the anticipation of long hair/short hair and dark sable/solid black puppies. We were secretly hoping for a solid black male. We got an awesome play by play of Annie delivering and the first guy that came out was the winner. Blue collar, Bosshog! A solid black male. He was our favorite and we were fortunate Melody matched him with us.
One year later, we are completely in love with Luca. He is the perfect addition to our family. He’s active when we want him to be, but has a great off switch. He is TRULY a velcro dog. He is such a sweetheart and just loves being with us. As we do him. We love his personality and solid temperament. We get compliments everywhere we go with him on his good behavior and handsome looks. I could go on and on about how much we love him and how lucky we are. The day Luca came home with us, we have felt fully supported by Melody and her family. Anytime we have needed anything they have been there for us. We have been thoroughly spoiled with Wunderhaus and feel so lucky to have one of their amazing pups!
Thanks, Bouzid Family ~ Texas
We wanted a German Shepherd to make our family complete. This was my first time with a purebred and I wanted to make sure we went with the right breeder. I searched for months and came across Wunderhaus. I am not sure I knew about sable German Shepherds, but I loved the look of the dogs. After I did some homework and research, I was shocked by the commitment of Wunderhaus to their dogs and new families. We were sold when we saw that Annie and Wolf were having an upcoming litter. We applied, made the cut for a puppy, and eagerly waited for his arrival. The exciting part of this litter was the anticipation of long hair/short hair and dark sable/solid black puppies. We were secretly hoping for a solid black male. We got an awesome play by play of Annie delivering and the first guy that came out was the winner. Blue collar, Bosshog! A solid black male. He was our favorite and we were fortunate Melody matched him with us.
One year later, we are completely in love with Luca. He is the perfect addition to our family. He’s active when we want him to be, but has a great off switch. He is TRULY a velcro dog. He is such a sweetheart and just loves being with us. As we do him. We love his personality and solid temperament. We get compliments everywhere we go with him on his good behavior and handsome looks. I could go on and on about how much we love him and how lucky we are. The day Luca came home with us, we have felt fully supported by Melody and her family. Anytime we have needed anything they have been there for us. We have been thoroughly spoiled with Wunderhaus and feel so lucky to have one of their amazing pups!
Thanks, Bouzid Family ~ Texas

Duke vom Wunderhaus aka "Jagger"
After losing our GSD of 13 yrs we started the hunt for a reputable breeder as our last breeder had passed away. It can be tedious task. Wunderhaus GSD popped up on my facebook ads, I checked her page out, read everything I could find, had a long phone conversation. I was looking for a female but one day Melody had a pup returned as the family had three children and a newborn. Raising puppies is just like having another baby and it was too much for the family at the time. So we inquired and filled out the necessary application. We waited and we waited, finally received an email letting us know out of 30 applicants we were chosen! Wunderhaus pups are well taken care of. Melody is a breeder who takes pride in what she does and produces superior puppies! She is top notch as well as her dogs! I’ve had German Shepherd‘s for 35 years and I am very particular. We couldn’t be happier with our beautiful gentle boy who I might add came to us already knowing his basic six commands! Thank you Melody for your hard work and dedication to producing quality GSD’s. Jones Family ~Texas
After losing our GSD of 13 yrs we started the hunt for a reputable breeder as our last breeder had passed away. It can be tedious task. Wunderhaus GSD popped up on my facebook ads, I checked her page out, read everything I could find, had a long phone conversation. I was looking for a female but one day Melody had a pup returned as the family had three children and a newborn. Raising puppies is just like having another baby and it was too much for the family at the time. So we inquired and filled out the necessary application. We waited and we waited, finally received an email letting us know out of 30 applicants we were chosen! Wunderhaus pups are well taken care of. Melody is a breeder who takes pride in what she does and produces superior puppies! She is top notch as well as her dogs! I’ve had German Shepherd‘s for 35 years and I am very particular. We couldn’t be happier with our beautiful gentle boy who I might add came to us already knowing his basic six commands! Thank you Melody for your hard work and dedication to producing quality GSD’s. Jones Family ~Texas

Dakota von Wunderhaus
We got our first German Shepherd about 5 years ago & fell in love with the breed. We knew eventually we wanted to get another one to add to our family and I started researching after a couple years. When we got our first dog, Titan, we didn’t research hip ratings, DM, or anything and we got SUPER lucky. I knew I wanted a dog with great joints & DM Clear and that’s when I stumbled across Wunderhaus (very few breeders had all these things & I got lucky because they were in Texas as well). I knew I wanted a puppy from them as soon as I saw the picture of Eli & Diva... they were absolutely gorgeous! I talked on the phone with Melody & we both agreed we’d be a good fit. I was on the list for about 2 years because we wanted to wait until it was the right situation to add a new puppy. We were going to pass on D litter, then I saw the ONLY female puppy became available and I immediately messaged Melody. Two weeks later we had our baby Koda coming home with us. She’s everything we hoped for and more.. she has an amazing temperament and loves obedience training & pleasing us! She loves fetching balls, frisbees, anything she can find. She is more in love with her big brother Titan than us, but I love seeing their bond grow. She’s been very confident when we expose her to new areas (beach, trails, rivers, etc). We’re so thankful for Melody for exposing the puppies while they’re young & for wanting the very best for their puppies. I’m so glad we went with Wunderhaus and if we ever get crazy and want a third GSD, they’ll be our one and only breeder we’ll go with. Tyrpak Family ~Texas
We got our first German Shepherd about 5 years ago & fell in love with the breed. We knew eventually we wanted to get another one to add to our family and I started researching after a couple years. When we got our first dog, Titan, we didn’t research hip ratings, DM, or anything and we got SUPER lucky. I knew I wanted a dog with great joints & DM Clear and that’s when I stumbled across Wunderhaus (very few breeders had all these things & I got lucky because they were in Texas as well). I knew I wanted a puppy from them as soon as I saw the picture of Eli & Diva... they were absolutely gorgeous! I talked on the phone with Melody & we both agreed we’d be a good fit. I was on the list for about 2 years because we wanted to wait until it was the right situation to add a new puppy. We were going to pass on D litter, then I saw the ONLY female puppy became available and I immediately messaged Melody. Two weeks later we had our baby Koda coming home with us. She’s everything we hoped for and more.. she has an amazing temperament and loves obedience training & pleasing us! She loves fetching balls, frisbees, anything she can find. She is more in love with her big brother Titan than us, but I love seeing their bond grow. She’s been very confident when we expose her to new areas (beach, trails, rivers, etc). We’re so thankful for Melody for exposing the puppies while they’re young & for wanting the very best for their puppies. I’m so glad we went with Wunderhaus and if we ever get crazy and want a third GSD, they’ll be our one and only breeder we’ll go with. Tyrpak Family ~Texas

Darko Axel vom Wunderhaus aka "Axel"
My husband and I decided to start looking for another German Shepherd when our male GSD Sage was 2 years old. We felt she could use a companion, but needed to find another puppy that could keep up with her both physically and mentally, and we’d seen a few photos of darker shepherds that we thought were beautiful. We looked around for a while, and weren’t too excited about the local options in Albuquerque. That’s when I stumbled upon the Wunderhaus German Shepherds website, and we immediately filled out an application. Throughout the whole process, Melody has been such a pleasure to work with, and she is so knowledgeable about the breed, we knew we found the right place. Axel has been a blessing to our family from the second we met him, and he and his big sister Sage are the best of friends. At just 6 months and a few training classes, he has caught on to everything so quickly and is so smart, he is just a joy to have around. Taking him anywhere, we are bombarded with compliments on how handsome and well-mannered he is, and we can’t thank Melody and the Wunderhaus team enough for putting so much of their time and effort into ensuring that their puppies are smart and healthy. If you want a companion for you, your family (other dogs included!) look no further; you won’t find anyone better than Wunderhaus. Kozemvhak Family ~ New Mexico
My husband and I decided to start looking for another German Shepherd when our male GSD Sage was 2 years old. We felt she could use a companion, but needed to find another puppy that could keep up with her both physically and mentally, and we’d seen a few photos of darker shepherds that we thought were beautiful. We looked around for a while, and weren’t too excited about the local options in Albuquerque. That’s when I stumbled upon the Wunderhaus German Shepherds website, and we immediately filled out an application. Throughout the whole process, Melody has been such a pleasure to work with, and she is so knowledgeable about the breed, we knew we found the right place. Axel has been a blessing to our family from the second we met him, and he and his big sister Sage are the best of friends. At just 6 months and a few training classes, he has caught on to everything so quickly and is so smart, he is just a joy to have around. Taking him anywhere, we are bombarded with compliments on how handsome and well-mannered he is, and we can’t thank Melody and the Wunderhaus team enough for putting so much of their time and effort into ensuring that their puppies are smart and healthy. If you want a companion for you, your family (other dogs included!) look no further; you won’t find anyone better than Wunderhaus. Kozemvhak Family ~ New Mexico

Drachma Casanova vom Wunderhaus aka "Cass"
As my two shepherds were getting older I knew I wanted to get a puppy so they could teach them the ways before they were gone. I also knew I wanted a GSD that I could work with. One day Eli walked into my place of employment and I fell in love. I started talking to his owner about him and she let me know about an upcoming litter which led me to Melody. After the application, interview and meet-and-greet I knew that Wunderhaus was an amazing breeder of these gorgeous puppies. The selection process was perfect, making sure the right puppy is matched to the right needs/wants of the buyer. I went in wanting a confident puppy that I could take to work with me and one that would excel in the world of dog sports and obedience. I got what I wanted and so much more. Casanova is a great addition to our family. He came to our home potty trained and well mannered. He has not destroyed anything that does not belong to him. He has proven to be very confident and is calm trying new things that I expose him to like swimming, running through tunnels and exploring trails. He is a very loyal dog who always aims to please. We love our Casanova and can't wait to see what the future holds for him.. Thank you Wunderhaus for putting so much time and effort into exposing these puppies to so much as babies - that exposure has helped Casanova grow to be a solid GSD who will be very happy and successful.
May Family ~ Texas
As my two shepherds were getting older I knew I wanted to get a puppy so they could teach them the ways before they were gone. I also knew I wanted a GSD that I could work with. One day Eli walked into my place of employment and I fell in love. I started talking to his owner about him and she let me know about an upcoming litter which led me to Melody. After the application, interview and meet-and-greet I knew that Wunderhaus was an amazing breeder of these gorgeous puppies. The selection process was perfect, making sure the right puppy is matched to the right needs/wants of the buyer. I went in wanting a confident puppy that I could take to work with me and one that would excel in the world of dog sports and obedience. I got what I wanted and so much more. Casanova is a great addition to our family. He came to our home potty trained and well mannered. He has not destroyed anything that does not belong to him. He has proven to be very confident and is calm trying new things that I expose him to like swimming, running through tunnels and exploring trails. He is a very loyal dog who always aims to please. We love our Casanova and can't wait to see what the future holds for him.. Thank you Wunderhaus for putting so much time and effort into exposing these puppies to so much as babies - that exposure has helped Casanova grow to be a solid GSD who will be very happy and successful.
May Family ~ Texas

Calamity Jane von Wunderhaus aka "Sydney"
Early this year in 2017, I lost my almost-nine-year-old female Shepherd, Oona. She got cancer, got sick very quickly, and about three weeks later I had to have euthanized because she was suffering. I didn't think I was ready to get another dog, but I started looking at websites of German Shepherd breeders, and found Melody's website. I imagined I would have to wait several months to get a puppy, so I was surprised to see that she had a litter of 5-week-old puppies. They were from East German lines, OFA and DM clear, and the pictures of Diva and Eli, the parents, were gorgeous. So I filled out the information required, and soon got a call from Melody. We talked for a while, and I suddenly found myself putting down a deposit for a female puppy. To make a long story short, a few weeks later I picked up my lavender puppy, and ended up naming her Sydney. She is everything I hoped for: beautiful, smart, with an amazing temperament. She has not met anyone she does not like. She loves playing with other dogs, chasing squirrels, retrieving balls (over and over). We have been through an obedience class, and are now attending a second one, since she seems to enjoy it. I can't say enough about Melody and her dogs. I am so glad I found them, and I know I made the right choice when I thought the lavender puppy should be the one. She definitely keeps me busy, but she is so much fun. We love her. Thank you, Melody. You are doing a great job, and your puppies are the proof. You should be proud. Sommerhalder Family ~ Texas
Early this year in 2017, I lost my almost-nine-year-old female Shepherd, Oona. She got cancer, got sick very quickly, and about three weeks later I had to have euthanized because she was suffering. I didn't think I was ready to get another dog, but I started looking at websites of German Shepherd breeders, and found Melody's website. I imagined I would have to wait several months to get a puppy, so I was surprised to see that she had a litter of 5-week-old puppies. They were from East German lines, OFA and DM clear, and the pictures of Diva and Eli, the parents, were gorgeous. So I filled out the information required, and soon got a call from Melody. We talked for a while, and I suddenly found myself putting down a deposit for a female puppy. To make a long story short, a few weeks later I picked up my lavender puppy, and ended up naming her Sydney. She is everything I hoped for: beautiful, smart, with an amazing temperament. She has not met anyone she does not like. She loves playing with other dogs, chasing squirrels, retrieving balls (over and over). We have been through an obedience class, and are now attending a second one, since she seems to enjoy it. I can't say enough about Melody and her dogs. I am so glad I found them, and I know I made the right choice when I thought the lavender puppy should be the one. She definitely keeps me busy, but she is so much fun. We love her. Thank you, Melody. You are doing a great job, and your puppies are the proof. You should be proud. Sommerhalder Family ~ Texas

Charleston Otis von Wunderhaus aka "Otis"
December 3rd, 2016, I shattered my ankle due to an unfortunate accident at work and on December 7th I had a devastating loss. I lost my seven-year-old German Shepherd Oscar. Oscar had lymphoma and his fight was over with the deadly disease.
While on bed rest recovering from my accident I had plenty of time to do research on German Shepherd puppies and came across Wunderhaus and Melody. The sheer beauty of her dogs made me stop looking and dig deeper. Melody and I spoke several times at length and I am very thankful for that as it helped my healing process from recently losing my baby boy Oscar. I’ve always been a huge fan of the breed and was ready for my third GSD puppy.
I cannot thank Melody and her family enough for all that they have done for me. Otis (my wonderful new pup) is strikingly beautiful, smart, healthy with the best temperament. Otis is the best friend I could ever ask for. Her commitment to the breed and her pups is amazing and I cannot say enough wonderful things about Melody and Wunderhaus.
Rivas Family ~ South Carolina
December 3rd, 2016, I shattered my ankle due to an unfortunate accident at work and on December 7th I had a devastating loss. I lost my seven-year-old German Shepherd Oscar. Oscar had lymphoma and his fight was over with the deadly disease.
While on bed rest recovering from my accident I had plenty of time to do research on German Shepherd puppies and came across Wunderhaus and Melody. The sheer beauty of her dogs made me stop looking and dig deeper. Melody and I spoke several times at length and I am very thankful for that as it helped my healing process from recently losing my baby boy Oscar. I’ve always been a huge fan of the breed and was ready for my third GSD puppy.
I cannot thank Melody and her family enough for all that they have done for me. Otis (my wonderful new pup) is strikingly beautiful, smart, healthy with the best temperament. Otis is the best friend I could ever ask for. Her commitment to the breed and her pups is amazing and I cannot say enough wonderful things about Melody and Wunderhaus.
Rivas Family ~ South Carolina

Cassius Clay von Wunderhaus aka "Ali"
After deciding on a German Shepherd Dog, the hunt was on to find "the right one." I searched and corresponded with many different kennels and breeders. I was attracted to the DDR stock because of their superior structure, soundness , and nerve. Their gorgeous pigmentation and expression is the icing on the cake!
I came across the Wunderhaus website and the picture of Diva and Eli at the top of the page just grabbed my attention! I read through their individual pages and the Wunderhaus Puppy Program, viewed the past litters, and studied the wealth of information on the German Shepherd breed as a whole. I knew this was it!! This was the one!
I contacted Melody and was placed on the waiting list. After much anticipation, Diva gave birth to a gorgeous litter of healthy pups, the Country Crooners! From day one everyone was able to follow the puppies in their development via the Wunderhaus Family page. We got to see their first exposure to new sensations and environments, videos of playtime, and essentially the first two months of their lives! Finally, the time came!! My mother and I made the 14 hour drive from East Tennessee to North Texas, and it just so happened that on my birthday I picked up that sweet, perfect bundle of puppy love, forest green collar male. It was an experience that I will never forget and cherish for the rest of my life!
Today Ali is six months old. He gets smarter, stronger, and even more handsome everyday. He is very much a part of the family and each new day is a brand new adventure with my best friend. Ali goes everywhere with me and truly is a "Velcro dog." He loves to swim, chase his favorite toy, his Chuckit ball, and he loves being out on the farm romping with his closest pals which include dogs, cats, horses, and a few cows. Ali is loving life, and I love life even more because of Ali! Bare Family ~ Tennessee
After deciding on a German Shepherd Dog, the hunt was on to find "the right one." I searched and corresponded with many different kennels and breeders. I was attracted to the DDR stock because of their superior structure, soundness , and nerve. Their gorgeous pigmentation and expression is the icing on the cake!
I came across the Wunderhaus website and the picture of Diva and Eli at the top of the page just grabbed my attention! I read through their individual pages and the Wunderhaus Puppy Program, viewed the past litters, and studied the wealth of information on the German Shepherd breed as a whole. I knew this was it!! This was the one!
I contacted Melody and was placed on the waiting list. After much anticipation, Diva gave birth to a gorgeous litter of healthy pups, the Country Crooners! From day one everyone was able to follow the puppies in their development via the Wunderhaus Family page. We got to see their first exposure to new sensations and environments, videos of playtime, and essentially the first two months of their lives! Finally, the time came!! My mother and I made the 14 hour drive from East Tennessee to North Texas, and it just so happened that on my birthday I picked up that sweet, perfect bundle of puppy love, forest green collar male. It was an experience that I will never forget and cherish for the rest of my life!
Today Ali is six months old. He gets smarter, stronger, and even more handsome everyday. He is very much a part of the family and each new day is a brand new adventure with my best friend. Ali goes everywhere with me and truly is a "Velcro dog." He loves to swim, chase his favorite toy, his Chuckit ball, and he loves being out on the farm romping with his closest pals which include dogs, cats, horses, and a few cows. Ali is loving life, and I love life even more because of Ali! Bare Family ~ Tennessee

Countess Izabella von Wunderhaus aka "Izzy"
I consider it a privilege to share my Wunderhaus testimony.. Please know that I highly endorse Wunderhaus German Shepherds as a breeder and Melody Wunder as a person. In order to know Melody Wunder and understand what she is about, you must comprehend the word “Passion”. According to the online Oxford Dictionary, the definition of “Passion” is the following: “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”. Melody is absolutely passionate about her German Shepherd Dogs (GSD). She is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about her breeding program and
she has an intense desire to place her puppies with the proper owner in a forever home. By the time I found The Wunderhaus GSD website, I had spoken with several GSD breeders that I had also found on the Internet. All of the other breeders had listed their telephone numbers on their website. I simply picked up the phone and called the breeder for more information. I was impressed with the Wunderhaus GSD website. I wanted to learn more so I
clicked on the “Contact Us” tab on the Wunderhaus GSD website looking for a telephone number. There was no telephone number listed on the “Contact Us” tab. There was; however, a link to a “Puppy Placement Form”. This was my first inkling that this breeder (Melody) was different from all of the rest of the breeders that I had contacted. I concluded that the “Puppy Placement Form” was a sort of filter and the Wunderhaus breeder was not interested in talking to me until I had put in the time and effort to fill out the “Puppy Placement Form”.
I spent the next 45 minutes filling out the “Puppy Placement Form”. As I hit the send button, I remember distinctly wondering how long would it take to get a response back. Within the hour, I got a call from Melody Wunder. We proceeded to have an hour and half conversation about the information I had provided on the “Puppy Placement Form” and more specifically about who I was. The whole focus of that first telephone conversation was on my suitability as a potential owner of a Wunderhaus puppy. Not once during that first or for that matter any telephone conversation did Melody try to “sell” me a puppy. She was only interested in learning more about my reasons for wanting to purchase a GSD puppy and would I be a good fit for one of her puppies.
As previously mentioned by the time I found Wunderhaus, I had already spoken to several breeders on the phone. The conversations with those breeders were absolutely the polar opposite of the conversation I had with Melody. The conversations with the other breeders were all centered on how great their puppies were and the value of their puppies. They were trying to “sell” me a puppy and move on.
After hanging up the phone with Melody, I told my wife that I had just gone through one of the most thorough and comprehensive interviews of my life. I filled my wife in on the details of the conversation with Melody. My wife then asked me a question I could not answer for sure. The question being would she sell me a puppy to which I replied: “I have no idea whether or not that lady was going to sell me one of her puppies.”
Melody’s intense desire to place her puppies with a committed owner in a forever home brought me to the realization that I was not simply buying a puppy. I was really making a commitment to her as the breeder and even more importantly a covenant with the dog for at least the next decade and hopefully longer. In a way, Melody’s passion for her puppies created in me an accountability to my dog that I strive to meet on a daily basis. Melody and Sigourney Tucker (Eli’s mom) set the tone for me as I prepared to bring my new puppy home. Their guidance, knowledge and experience were a huge encouragement for me, especially during the
critical the 8-16 week socialization period. These two ladies are an enormous and valuable resource. It gives me a great deal of comfort and confidence to know that I can call upon either one of them for advice and direction.
If you are a committed dog person looking for a GSD puppy, look no further. Wunderhaus GSD puppies are simply amazing. You are not buying a puppy you are becoming a member of a family…the Wunderhaus German Shepherd Family. It is a family that I am grateful and honored to be a part of
On April 22, 2017, we made a lifetime covenant with our new puppy, Izzy (Litter C, Yellow Collar) and brought her home. She is absolutely awesome. Izzy is smart, loyal, and eager to please. She is very loving and simply wants to be in your presence at all times. Izzy brings joy to our live each and everyday. Izzy makes me a better person. My wife and I intend to make sure she lives a happy, healthy and full life.
Brawley Family ~ Texas
I consider it a privilege to share my Wunderhaus testimony.. Please know that I highly endorse Wunderhaus German Shepherds as a breeder and Melody Wunder as a person. In order to know Melody Wunder and understand what she is about, you must comprehend the word “Passion”. According to the online Oxford Dictionary, the definition of “Passion” is the following: “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”. Melody is absolutely passionate about her German Shepherd Dogs (GSD). She is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about her breeding program and
she has an intense desire to place her puppies with the proper owner in a forever home. By the time I found The Wunderhaus GSD website, I had spoken with several GSD breeders that I had also found on the Internet. All of the other breeders had listed their telephone numbers on their website. I simply picked up the phone and called the breeder for more information. I was impressed with the Wunderhaus GSD website. I wanted to learn more so I
clicked on the “Contact Us” tab on the Wunderhaus GSD website looking for a telephone number. There was no telephone number listed on the “Contact Us” tab. There was; however, a link to a “Puppy Placement Form”. This was my first inkling that this breeder (Melody) was different from all of the rest of the breeders that I had contacted. I concluded that the “Puppy Placement Form” was a sort of filter and the Wunderhaus breeder was not interested in talking to me until I had put in the time and effort to fill out the “Puppy Placement Form”.
I spent the next 45 minutes filling out the “Puppy Placement Form”. As I hit the send button, I remember distinctly wondering how long would it take to get a response back. Within the hour, I got a call from Melody Wunder. We proceeded to have an hour and half conversation about the information I had provided on the “Puppy Placement Form” and more specifically about who I was. The whole focus of that first telephone conversation was on my suitability as a potential owner of a Wunderhaus puppy. Not once during that first or for that matter any telephone conversation did Melody try to “sell” me a puppy. She was only interested in learning more about my reasons for wanting to purchase a GSD puppy and would I be a good fit for one of her puppies.
As previously mentioned by the time I found Wunderhaus, I had already spoken to several breeders on the phone. The conversations with those breeders were absolutely the polar opposite of the conversation I had with Melody. The conversations with the other breeders were all centered on how great their puppies were and the value of their puppies. They were trying to “sell” me a puppy and move on.
After hanging up the phone with Melody, I told my wife that I had just gone through one of the most thorough and comprehensive interviews of my life. I filled my wife in on the details of the conversation with Melody. My wife then asked me a question I could not answer for sure. The question being would she sell me a puppy to which I replied: “I have no idea whether or not that lady was going to sell me one of her puppies.”
Melody’s intense desire to place her puppies with a committed owner in a forever home brought me to the realization that I was not simply buying a puppy. I was really making a commitment to her as the breeder and even more importantly a covenant with the dog for at least the next decade and hopefully longer. In a way, Melody’s passion for her puppies created in me an accountability to my dog that I strive to meet on a daily basis. Melody and Sigourney Tucker (Eli’s mom) set the tone for me as I prepared to bring my new puppy home. Their guidance, knowledge and experience were a huge encouragement for me, especially during the
critical the 8-16 week socialization period. These two ladies are an enormous and valuable resource. It gives me a great deal of comfort and confidence to know that I can call upon either one of them for advice and direction.
If you are a committed dog person looking for a GSD puppy, look no further. Wunderhaus GSD puppies are simply amazing. You are not buying a puppy you are becoming a member of a family…the Wunderhaus German Shepherd Family. It is a family that I am grateful and honored to be a part of
On April 22, 2017, we made a lifetime covenant with our new puppy, Izzy (Litter C, Yellow Collar) and brought her home. She is absolutely awesome. Izzy is smart, loyal, and eager to please. She is very loving and simply wants to be in your presence at all times. Izzy brings joy to our live each and everyday. Izzy makes me a better person. My wife and I intend to make sure she lives a happy, healthy and full life.
Brawley Family ~ Texas

Captain Sirius von Wunderhaus aka "Captain"
Wunderhaus German Shepherds upholds the highest standards in the health, temperament, and structure of their dogs, as well as in their care. It is evident the breeder takes the time with her litters to ensure their solid temperament, and proper screening, prior to placing them in their forever homes. She is exceptionally knowledgeable about this breed, and healthy dogs with a sound temperament are her top priorities. She cares for her dogs deeply and does not sell to anyone that calls. The breeder asks a lot of questions to ensure that her dogs are going to be well loved, socialized, trained, and cared for throughout their life. The consistentfollow-up on her pups, shows her commitment to breeding solid stock, with placement in loving homes, that will ensure quality in the GSD lines.
Cleary Family ~ Georgia

Beowulf Diesel von Wunderhaus aka Diesel
I have always been a German Shepherd lover all my life and, after careful consideration, I finally decided that it was time to get one. For about a year I looked everywhere for a GSD and found nothing. Then a friend of a friend sent me a link to the Wunderhaus website and I saw how beautiful each dog was. I immediately contacted Melody inquiring about her pups and she was happy to answer any questions I had. Melody and I set up a date to meet Diva and when I saw her I fell in love with that big bundle of a GSD, I saw the love Melody gave her and knew that I came to the right place. After some agonizing months we were finally able to meet the puppies and that is where I met Carla (Eli’s mom) there Carla and Melody answered any questions that we had. Eight weeks later I was finally able to pick up Beowulf Diesel Von Wunderhaus and take him to his new home. Being a first time GSD owner I did not know what to do and if what I was doing was correct. Since from the time I picked up my pup I have been blowing up Melody’s phone asking her questions about almost everything and she answered each one with full detail. What is so great with this Wunderhaus community is how connected we are all, we have Melody and Carla help guide us in raising our puppies, and we get to see how the other pups are doing when we upload pictures/ updates on the Wunderhaus K9 Family facebook page. Six months later, Diesel is doing great, he has graduated from two training classes and is now enrolled in Manners II classes. Since then Diesel loves to be the center of attention and he has become my partner in crime and follows me everywhere. He also enjoys taking evening strolls at the park, playing with the old basketball in the backyard and likes to end everything with a bunch of big wet kisses. This whole experience has been great and this was all thanks to Melody’s and Carla’s help. Thank you! Paulsen Family ~ Texas
I have always been a German Shepherd lover all my life and, after careful consideration, I finally decided that it was time to get one. For about a year I looked everywhere for a GSD and found nothing. Then a friend of a friend sent me a link to the Wunderhaus website and I saw how beautiful each dog was. I immediately contacted Melody inquiring about her pups and she was happy to answer any questions I had. Melody and I set up a date to meet Diva and when I saw her I fell in love with that big bundle of a GSD, I saw the love Melody gave her and knew that I came to the right place. After some agonizing months we were finally able to meet the puppies and that is where I met Carla (Eli’s mom) there Carla and Melody answered any questions that we had. Eight weeks later I was finally able to pick up Beowulf Diesel Von Wunderhaus and take him to his new home. Being a first time GSD owner I did not know what to do and if what I was doing was correct. Since from the time I picked up my pup I have been blowing up Melody’s phone asking her questions about almost everything and she answered each one with full detail. What is so great with this Wunderhaus community is how connected we are all, we have Melody and Carla help guide us in raising our puppies, and we get to see how the other pups are doing when we upload pictures/ updates on the Wunderhaus K9 Family facebook page. Six months later, Diesel is doing great, he has graduated from two training classes and is now enrolled in Manners II classes. Since then Diesel loves to be the center of attention and he has become my partner in crime and follows me everywhere. He also enjoys taking evening strolls at the park, playing with the old basketball in the backyard and likes to end everything with a bunch of big wet kisses. This whole experience has been great and this was all thanks to Melody’s and Carla’s help. Thank you! Paulsen Family ~ Texas

Break Me Off A Piece von Wunderhaus aka Kit Kat
We had been researching the German Shepherd breed for a couple of years, trying to decide when the timing was right to get a puppy and most importantly, from which breeder. We met Eli and really liked his temperament and, of course, his stunning good looks. When I was told that he was expecting a litter with the beautiful Diva, I had to meet those pups and Melody! We were not quite ready for a puppy when the A litter arrived, but were given the opportunity to go see them a couple of times and fell in love with the babies and especially with Momma Diva. Melody was very open to our questions and provided us with honest, straight-forward answers.
Choosing our 'B' litter pup was very difficult because they were all so awesome, but Melody's guidance helped us make the right decision - we got the feisty little red collar girl and couldn't be happier! Kit Kat is still a little spitfire and has brought such joy and happy energy to our house. She is a social, confident girlie who loves people and other dogs and isn't fazed by much. She has been started in Lure Coursing and Nose Work and loves and excels at both. We hope to start her in Barn Hunt and Herding soon, too. Portier Family ~ Texas
We had been researching the German Shepherd breed for a couple of years, trying to decide when the timing was right to get a puppy and most importantly, from which breeder. We met Eli and really liked his temperament and, of course, his stunning good looks. When I was told that he was expecting a litter with the beautiful Diva, I had to meet those pups and Melody! We were not quite ready for a puppy when the A litter arrived, but were given the opportunity to go see them a couple of times and fell in love with the babies and especially with Momma Diva. Melody was very open to our questions and provided us with honest, straight-forward answers.
Choosing our 'B' litter pup was very difficult because they were all so awesome, but Melody's guidance helped us make the right decision - we got the feisty little red collar girl and couldn't be happier! Kit Kat is still a little spitfire and has brought such joy and happy energy to our house. She is a social, confident girlie who loves people and other dogs and isn't fazed by much. She has been started in Lure Coursing and Nose Work and loves and excels at both. We hope to start her in Barn Hunt and Herding soon, too. Portier Family ~ Texas

Baron von Wunderhaus
We were thinking seriously about getting a German Shepherd for about two years before we found Wunderhaus. We visited some highly recommended breeders around DFW that offered great dogs, but they were typically high drive, outside in kennels, barking, and very intense; perfect for police work, not ideal for us. The experience made us second guess if our quiet (but active) lifestyle was really fit for this breed. My Aunt does Search and Rescue in California and she told me her teammate was flying to Texas to check out Wunderhaus for her next SAR pup. I was impressed she traveled so far when there are so many reputable breeders in and close to CA. I contacted Melody and she invited us to meet the 7 week old A-litter. We saw how Diva is a calm, quiet family dog, and the pups were healthy and exceptional. We could see that Melody took great care to raise the pups and give them the best possible start before they go home to their new families. We signed up that night for the B litter. Now that Baron is 6 months old he is everything we hoped he'd be and more. He is sweet, smart, curious, confident, full of life and energy, but can also chill out when he needs to. On top of that, he's always the most handsome dog anywhere he goes. Definitely one of the best decisions we've ever made!
Rydlinski family ~ Alaska
We were thinking seriously about getting a German Shepherd for about two years before we found Wunderhaus. We visited some highly recommended breeders around DFW that offered great dogs, but they were typically high drive, outside in kennels, barking, and very intense; perfect for police work, not ideal for us. The experience made us second guess if our quiet (but active) lifestyle was really fit for this breed. My Aunt does Search and Rescue in California and she told me her teammate was flying to Texas to check out Wunderhaus for her next SAR pup. I was impressed she traveled so far when there are so many reputable breeders in and close to CA. I contacted Melody and she invited us to meet the 7 week old A-litter. We saw how Diva is a calm, quiet family dog, and the pups were healthy and exceptional. We could see that Melody took great care to raise the pups and give them the best possible start before they go home to their new families. We signed up that night for the B litter. Now that Baron is 6 months old he is everything we hoped he'd be and more. He is sweet, smart, curious, confident, full of life and energy, but can also chill out when he needs to. On top of that, he's always the most handsome dog anywhere he goes. Definitely one of the best decisions we've ever made!
Rydlinski family ~ Alaska

Birthday Emerald von Wunderhaus aka"Emmy"
When our 13.5 year old German Shepherd Laney passed away in October 2015, I made contact with Melody at Wunderhaus German Shepherds. I had been impressed by the Wunderhaus website, the stunning Diva and Eli, loads of information, and also by their love of God, Family and German Shepherds.
She responded immediately to my email, was very friendly and even offered kind words about our recent loss. We got on the list for a 'B' Litter puppy, and I was excited to be added to the Wunderhaus Family Facebook page. It was great to be able to watch the 'A' litter grow up and be kept informed on the progress of Diva’s pregnancy and the future 'B' litter. We became part of the family and were thrilled to watch these babies grow from newborn to 8 weeks. We have access to so much knowledge with Melody and Eli’s mom, Carla. They are always happy to help. It has been a wunderful experience and we are so totally in love with our Birthday Emerald von Wunderhaus! Thank you!! Ledkins Family - Texas
When our 13.5 year old German Shepherd Laney passed away in October 2015, I made contact with Melody at Wunderhaus German Shepherds. I had been impressed by the Wunderhaus website, the stunning Diva and Eli, loads of information, and also by their love of God, Family and German Shepherds.
She responded immediately to my email, was very friendly and even offered kind words about our recent loss. We got on the list for a 'B' Litter puppy, and I was excited to be added to the Wunderhaus Family Facebook page. It was great to be able to watch the 'A' litter grow up and be kept informed on the progress of Diva’s pregnancy and the future 'B' litter. We became part of the family and were thrilled to watch these babies grow from newborn to 8 weeks. We have access to so much knowledge with Melody and Eli’s mom, Carla. They are always happy to help. It has been a wunderful experience and we are so totally in love with our Birthday Emerald von Wunderhaus! Thank you!! Ledkins Family - Texas

Arya Jade von Wunderhaus
We played around with the idea of getting a puppy when we bought our home last year. We came across the Wunderhaus blog and were both very drawn in; Diva just so happened to be expecting at that time. We set up a meeting to meet Diva and both of us were instantly in love and couldn’t wait to get our hands on our own little Wunder pup. When the puppies were finally born we were able to go out and visit several times so we could get to see their little personalities develop and see them interacting with each other. We had our eye on two puppies, and picking out just one was so hard! With Melody’s recommendation we made our choice and ended up with our sweet girl Arya (white collar girl).
We’ve had Arya now for 6 months and it's so hard to imagine what life would be like with out her now. Every time we take her out we are stopped and complemented on how stunning and well behaved she is. Arya is so smart, potty training and basic manners came easily for her. Arya brings so much life and excitement into our home. I guess we didn’t realize what we were missing. I know people have their own opinions and feelings on breeders but Melody and Ryan are great people who care a great deal about their dogs and who is taking them home. We were welcomed into a community where we all get to see our puppies grow up together, and talk about their milestones. Choosing to get a Wunderhaus puppy was one of the best choices we’ve made. Thank you Melody and Ryan for helping us complete our family.
The Hernandez Family ~ Texas
We played around with the idea of getting a puppy when we bought our home last year. We came across the Wunderhaus blog and were both very drawn in; Diva just so happened to be expecting at that time. We set up a meeting to meet Diva and both of us were instantly in love and couldn’t wait to get our hands on our own little Wunder pup. When the puppies were finally born we were able to go out and visit several times so we could get to see their little personalities develop and see them interacting with each other. We had our eye on two puppies, and picking out just one was so hard! With Melody’s recommendation we made our choice and ended up with our sweet girl Arya (white collar girl).
We’ve had Arya now for 6 months and it's so hard to imagine what life would be like with out her now. Every time we take her out we are stopped and complemented on how stunning and well behaved she is. Arya is so smart, potty training and basic manners came easily for her. Arya brings so much life and excitement into our home. I guess we didn’t realize what we were missing. I know people have their own opinions and feelings on breeders but Melody and Ryan are great people who care a great deal about their dogs and who is taking them home. We were welcomed into a community where we all get to see our puppies grow up together, and talk about their milestones. Choosing to get a Wunderhaus puppy was one of the best choices we’ve made. Thank you Melody and Ryan for helping us complete our family.
The Hernandez Family ~ Texas

Avenger Thor von Wunderhaus aka "Thor"
Our German Shepherd Thor made the Hunninghaus family complete. He has truly been a blessing to us. Thor is exceptional with our kids which are 4 & 8. His temperament is gentle when it needs to be but he is definitely developing his protective nature at the same time. Thor is being trained to be a hunting dog by retrieving birds and developing tracking skills. He is doing great and these skills seem to come natural to him. We are so thankful to have known the Wunder family and been given the opportunity to raise one of these outstanding dogs!
The Hunninghaus Family ~ Texas

Ariella Nala von Wunderhaus aka "Nala"
Very happy with Nala! (red collar) She fits right into the family. Plays extremely well with my 8 month old son. Very smart and easy to train, also Listens good off leash and has very good focus and drive! Plays well with other animals, Not scared of anything. Can't thank you enough for the great addition to the family!
The Seguin Family ~ Massachusetts

Apollo Eicke von Wunderhaus aka "Eicke"
Eicke is doing great!! Lean and solid as heck! Best of all he is still such a sweetheart!!!! Truly a loving little boy. Any chance he can get to sneak a kiss he will take it. Wiping his paws off after coming in from outside - kisses. Fish his toys out from under the furniture - kisses. Get down on the floor to put your shoes on - kisses. Stretch to go running - kisses. You name it, if you get below 3' above the floor - kisses. He absolutely drives Peiper nuts like only a little brother can. But she loves the heck out of him and makes sure to keep the upper hand. Every now and then she reminds him that she is the big sis and to simmer down. And he would be lost without her. He whines whenever they are separated. Follows her around like the proverbial little puppy dog! But more than Peiper, he is 100% Dichelle's dog. She cannot leave his watch without him following her. He is truly her shadow. And if she stops moving, bam, he is planted at her feet. Lays down and literally has to lay in some kind of contact with her. Leaning up against her feet. Or if she sits down on the floor "he melts into the side of her" as Dichelle says. We are so blessed for having him and so thankful to you for providing us with him. Thank you! The Burrus Family ~ Texas

Abigail Chevelle von Wunderhaus
Chevelle is doing great! She has a lot of drive and learns quick. She also has a lot of energy. I love it! I have taught her to sit, lay down, stay, paw (left and right) plus high five. She does great off or on the leash when walking. I started teaching her commands by different whistles. One being to stop and look back at me or come and stand next to me.She loves people and has a lot of interaction with other dogs. She's had a very busy summer between boating, swimming in the ocean and long walks on the beach and woods here. She definitely keeps me on my toes. This winter I am going to try to teach her to find deer antlers they start to drop in december she has a great nose for finding things. She could sniff out a pheasant or rabbit like you read about and definitely has a nice stance for pointing. But when it comes to taking a picture of her... good luck. Thank you for letting me have the opportunity to enjoy one of your puppies. The Johnsen Family ~ , Massachusetts
Chevelle is doing great! She has a lot of drive and learns quick. She also has a lot of energy. I love it! I have taught her to sit, lay down, stay, paw (left and right) plus high five. She does great off or on the leash when walking. I started teaching her commands by different whistles. One being to stop and look back at me or come and stand next to me.She loves people and has a lot of interaction with other dogs. She's had a very busy summer between boating, swimming in the ocean and long walks on the beach and woods here. She definitely keeps me on my toes. This winter I am going to try to teach her to find deer antlers they start to drop in december she has a great nose for finding things. She could sniff out a pheasant or rabbit like you read about and definitely has a nice stance for pointing. But when it comes to taking a picture of her... good luck. Thank you for letting me have the opportunity to enjoy one of your puppies. The Johnsen Family ~ , Massachusetts

Athena Rhee von Wunderhaus
Athena Rhee von Wunderhaus is my very first German Shepherd dog. I owned several high-drive dogs but none had a temperament like Athena. She's had moments of craziness outside of the house, but once she's inside, she's the most laid-back puppy I have ever seen. Basic house training for Athena was super easy. I am super proud to say that tearing up shoes and various wires around the house was not a prolonging issue. I am so happy and thankful to have found the Wunderhaus family There is nothing on Earth I would trade her for. Thank you Wunderhaus family for allowing me to raise this awesome and not-so-little-anymore fur ball. The Rhee Family ~ Texas
Athena Rhee von Wunderhaus is my very first German Shepherd dog. I owned several high-drive dogs but none had a temperament like Athena. She's had moments of craziness outside of the house, but once she's inside, she's the most laid-back puppy I have ever seen. Basic house training for Athena was super easy. I am super proud to say that tearing up shoes and various wires around the house was not a prolonging issue. I am so happy and thankful to have found the Wunderhaus family There is nothing on Earth I would trade her for. Thank you Wunderhaus family for allowing me to raise this awesome and not-so-little-anymore fur ball. The Rhee Family ~ Texas
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